How to Master Psychic and Spiritual Practices
Many teachers and authors support the perspectives of learning to work with psychic energies (aka. energy, chi/qi, prana, mana, emotional and mental energies, energies of your psyche/consciousness) to help enhance health and performance, but very few have provided the references needed to support their perspectives. This has resulted in a lot of perspectives that do not fully agree with each other, especially in the details. If you want to present accurate information, you got to do the research, and if you want to inspire confidence in your audience, you got to give them references to support what you are saying. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that all teachers and authors without references don't know what they are talking about, I'm just saying the probability goes up.
I have put tremendous effort into collecting references to support my perspectives on these subjects (over 2000 found; 600 of which are discussed within The Psychic Energy Reality), which has greatly helped refine and develop them, resulting in more effective techniques in the practices I teach. You don't need to learn the science of psychic energies, psychic anatomy (aka. invisible anatomy, energy anatomy; ex. aura, chakras, koshas, light bodies, meridians, nadis, hara) and psychic energy practices to the depth that I have. It would help if you want to become a master, and I want to help you become one, but first I want to help you get started and experience the magnificence of empowering yourself with healthy psychic energies.
Psychic energies are the energies of your psyche, so you need simply focus your psyche on an emotion and/or thought to attract and empower those associated with them. Affirmations, visualizations, mantras, chants, prayer, worship and more are all common techniques for doing this. Many of which are confirmed by science to be more effective when done in a meditative state and groups.
These techniques simply attract psychic energies to you and let them naturally benefit you (healing and empowerment). Some techniques, particularly those from the Energy Healing-Empowerment arts, such as Reiki, Healing Touch, Qigong, Yoga and more, teach you to focus and move these energies in specific ways to help heal and empower yourself or another person. They usually use routine postures and movements to do so, focusing on the hands as important tools (confirmed by science).
Very few incorporate psychic anatomy, which gives you the skills utilized in these practices. None of them include it as comprehensively or systematically as the Psychic Anatomy Exercises, Psychic Anatomy Yoga and Psychic Anatomy Treatments do. Since your psychic anatomy gives you psychic energy skills, it is crucial for obtaining the benefits of psychic and spiritual practices. Hence, enhancing its health and performance is the key to mastering these practices. See their self-titled books for details. FYI: These practices are based on over 2000 references; 600 of which are discussed in The Psychic Energy Reality.
There are four systems that I focus on. Three of them are well supported by historical records and practices that are still in use today. Two of these three are scientifically observable and studied, which are the Aura/Biofield and Meridians. When it comes to the Meridians, these studies have been extensive.