Union With God and Your God Chosen Spirits

As you develop your abilities to continually, or at least more often, be connected to God and your God chosen spirits (ex. Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters/Bohdi Sattvas, Saints), everything you interact with and even witness becomes an opportunity for God to work through you. Often relayed through your God chosen spirits, you become an instrument to heal, nourish and empower all parts of creation. This happens naturally through your presence, as well as your actions, especially the actions of Energy Healing-Empowerment (ex. Reiki, Quantum Touch, Psychic Anatomy Treatments, hands on prayer, prayer). You might have experienced more vividly when in a prayerful meditative state or shortly afterward, and/or while being the presence of someone else(s) who is (ex. collective worship/prayer).

The Essence of who you are as an individual is the same Essence of all creation, God (aka. Allah, Brahman, Great Spirit, Creator, Source). Many believe the meaning of life is to live according to the will of God (aka. the will of your Essence). Most spiritual/religious teachings agree with this. Even if you do not agree, there are many reasons for why it is a good idea to become better connected, such as enhanced psychic/spiritual well-being and abilities; this has been scientifically confirmed in many ways (see my books The Psychic Energy Reality and Psychic Anatomy Treatments for details). With development in psychic/spiritual practices, most people become enlightened enough to recognize the wisdom and/or fall in love with the bliss of striving to live this definition of the meaning of life.

The well-being and abilities comes from being connected to specific and general healing, nourishing and empowering divine energies (aka. energy, chi, prana, mana, psychic energies, divine presence) more often and more powerfully. This transforms you live your unique meaning in life well, as well as to be more powerfully and continually connected to God and your God chosen spirits. As you progress, you will be intuitively guided (guided by God) to bless/channel the people, places and things you interact with and witness with these divine energies (aka. Energy Healing-Empowerment).

Your intentions to be continually connected and contributing to the blessing of creation with the healing, nourishing and empowering divine energies plays a very important/fundamental role in the development your abilities. Many who have developed these abilities well have devoted a large part of their life to doing so and/or have come from a bloodline that has. It takes time to develop these abilities, so be diligent, patient, and enjoy the beauty of the journey.

As you developing these abilities, your body adapts to the more connected state of being (enlightenment) and performing Energy Healing-Empowerment. Rest, and sometimes periods of solitude, are essential as your entire being is transformed. Conscious purification and strengthen techniques for the body, emotions, mind and spirit greatly facilitate this process (many are introduced in my books, I recommend Inner and Outer Success as the best place to start). As you progress, divine guidance becomes easier to receive, guiding you to effectively purify and strengthen yourself with existing techniques, as well as modifying them and developing new ones.

There are three good practices for healing, nourishing and empowering the invisible parts of your anatomy called Psychic Anatomy (aka. the anatomy of your psyche/consciousness; ex chakras, aura, lightbodies, koshas, meridians, nadis, hara, sutratama). Psychic anatomy plays a very important role in your development as described above. It receives the blessings of divine energies from God and your God chosen spirits like an antenna or conductor, relaying it to your physical body and/or other people, places and things.

Relaying divine blessings is a common religious and spiritual practice. Many of these practices have identified parts of psychic anatomy to play important roles, as well as in your overall development. The health and performance of psychic anatomy can be enhanced indirectly with conventional physical, emotional and mental techniques (See Inner and Outer Success: The Best of Conventional Self-Help with New Energy Psychology Techniques for details), and directly using the techniques taught in the practices Psychic Anatomy Exercises, Psychic Anatomy Yoga and Psychic Anatomy Treatments (see the self-titled books of these practices for details).

These practices are based on over 2000 traditional and scientific references on psychic energies, psychic anatomy and psychic energy practices (600 are discussed in The Psychic Energy Reality). They quickly find priority parts of your psychic anatomy and physical body that need attention and help bring health and performance to them, as well as the whole, making it much easier for them to work as a whole for receiving and relaying divine blessings.